Yesterday was a very special day for our family ... My big sister and best friend in the whole world got engaged!!! Can you tell I'm excited? After having to keep such a HUGE secret for so long, I am SO glad that it has finally happened and that I can share the good news with everyone! Here's how it happened. Thank you, Cameron, for letting me be such a big part of your special day!
A few weeks ago Cameron and I went out for coffee while Kayla was at work. He told me his plan and how he wanted to propose on Saturday December 21st. Cameron was going to pretend that he was going to work like he would on any other Saturday evening, and my job was to get Kayla out of the house for a couple of hours so that he could decorate the house instead of actually going to work. He had already got his shift covered and everything when we found out that Kayla had already committed to babysitting on Saturday night. So ... quickly we changed our plan to Monday, which ended up working out better anyways! Our new plan consisted of Cameron telling Kayla that he picked up a shift for the night, and my job was to still get Kayla out of the house. So, a few days ahead of time I asked Kayla what she was doing on Monday evening. Her response was, "I don't know. Maybe the four of us (meaning Brandon, me, her, and Cameron) could do something." So, I gathered that Cameron hadn't told her that he "picked up a shift" yet, and replied, "Yea, that sounds great!". I waited until Sunday to bring it up again, and everything fell into place. I asked her if we were going to all doing something tomorrow night still, and she told me that Cameron picked up a shift, but that we could still do something if I wanted. Since I just recently got my tonsils removed, I suggested that we go to a movie since I can't really eat anything anyway ... that way her and Cameron could still go out to dinner after he proposed. I told Kayla that I didn't want to be out late so that an earlier movie would be best. I tried to get her to go to a 4:30 movie, but she said that was too early so we settled on the 5:00 show.
Monday arrived, and Kayla just so happened to be getting her hair cut in the morning, and my Mom had offered to take us to get manicures and pedicures after that so Kayla was all pampered and ready for her engagement that she had no idea about. Kayla thought that we were just getting our nails done for the Holidays!
Knowing that Kayla has always wanted pictures of her engagement, I brought my camera into her house when I got there to pick her up before the movie. So that Kayla wouldn't suspect anything I told her that I didn't realize my camera was in my car, and didn't want to leave it in the car while we went to the movies. Since her neighborhood is prone to car break-ins, she didn't think anything of it. (Haha .. I am so sneaky!). Kayla and I said goodbye to Cameron (I even said to him, "Have a good night at work, I'll see you tomorrow evening for our Christmas Eve dinner!") , and Kayla and I headed to the movies. We saw American Hustle, which was SO good but ended up being SO long. I told Cameron that we would probably be home around 7:30, which was actually when the movie got over. (Can you imagine the anxiety he must have been feeling while waiting for us?!) As soon as the movie got over (FINALLY!), I went to the bathroom and texted Cameron that we would be there in 15 minutes, and made sure that he was ready. We pulled up to the house, and I followed Kayla up the walk way. She unlocked the door, and stepped inside. Immediately she began freaking out. Candles were lit everywhere and Cameron was standing there with a bouquet of beautiful white roses. Somehow, I pushed my way past her, grabbed my camera and was still able to capture her shocked face! The rest was a blur. Cameron got down on his knee, opened the ring box, and asked Kayla to marry him. Meanwhile, I was shaking, crying, and trying my hardest to take some pictures of the whole thing. I couldn't even tell you what Cameron said to her because I was so focused on trying to take a decent picture. All I know is that after lots of hugging, kissing, screaming, and a "Yes!" Cameron put the ring on Kayla's finger, and then we all celebrated together! We let the puppies out of their kennels, and they joined in on the celebration! River even peed from his excitement (ha-ha!) ... or from his lack of bladder control, the little rascal! Lots of group hugs and tears and happiness! Cameron then told Kayla that they had reservations at her favorite restaurant down town, and after taking a few more pictures, they headed to dinner!
The day was perfect, and we couldn't have asked for it to go more smoothly! Here are the photos! I am so, so happy for you KK and Cam! Love you both so much!